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Learn A Skill, Earn Name and Fame
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Monitoring & Evaluation of ESDM Scheme
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Skilling Youth To Be Job Ready
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The engineering education is at a critical crossroad today. With the mushrooming of engineering colleges in the last decade, engineering education is now within the reach of students from across the spectrum, from Tier 2 towns and the rural hinterlands. But this growth has also resulted in a lack of skilled and qualified engineering graduates.

There is quantity but very little quality. There are a host of other issues like career expectations, understanding the industry, lack of penchant for innovation & research etc. All these issues need to be immediately addressed. There is an urgent need to redefine the engineering education paradigm.

ESSCI Training Center

We are very happy to announce that iConnex has achieved affiliation of NSDC Electronics Sector Skill Council of India (ESSCI) and is now the official Training Partner of ESSCI. Through this partnership, iConnex aims to provide livelihood based Skill development to the Youth of India.

Campus Readiness Program

Abhyaas has a comprehensive program designed to train students for all the stages of Campus Recruitments. This programme is updated on a regular basis to keep pace with the changes in the recruitment procedures adopted by various companies.

Finishing School

This programme will be held for 10 – 12 weeks wherein the skilling sessions on Technical, Organizational and Personal Skillmodules shall be delivered through Instructor Led Training, eLearning and Self-Study Labs.